Chapter 13: Nuclei Class 12 Notes | Handwritten Free PDF

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Chapter 13: Nuclei Class 12 Notes: Understanding the core of atomic structure, Chapter 13: Nuclei dives deep into the study of nuclear physics. This chapter explores the size, structure, and stability of nuclei, as well as radioactivity and its applications. To make your learning journey smooth, we offer handwritten notes, prepared by a topper. These notes span 11 pages, are 6 MB in size, and are available for free download with a preview option to ensure quality.

Name of the NotesChapter 13: Nuclei Notes PDF Download for Free
Class NameClass 12
Subject NamePhysics
Chapter Name Chapter 13: Nuclei
Language of the NotesEnglish
Total Pages11 Pages
PDF Size6 MB

  • Expertly Written: Simplified concepts by a topper for better understanding.
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  • Compact and Comprehensive: Covers all essential topics in a concise manner.
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Introduction to Nuclei

The nucleus is the dense, positively charged center of an atom, consisting of protons and neutrons bound by nuclear forces. This chapter unravels the mysteries of the nucleus, including its composition, forces, and behavior during radioactive decay.

Nuclear Composition and Size

  • Protons and Neutrons: The nucleus contains protons (positively charged) and neutrons (neutral).
  • Size of the Nucleus: The radius of a nucleus is given by the formula: R=R0A1/3R = R_0 A^{1/3} where:
    • $R_0$ is a constant (approximately 1.2 fm)
    • $A$ is the mass number of the nucleus.

Nuclear Forces

Nuclear forces are short-range, attractive forces that hold protons and neutrons together, overcoming the electrostatic repulsion between protons.


Discovered by Henri Becquerel, radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of radiation by unstable nuclei. The three types of radioactive decay are:

  1. Alpha Decay: Emission of alpha particles ($^4_2He$ nuclei).
  2. Beta Decay: Conversion of a neutron to a proton (or vice versa) with the emission of a beta particle (electron or positron).
  3. Gamma Decay: Emission of high-energy photons without changing the nucleus’s composition.

Binding Energy and Stability

The binding energy per nucleon determines the stability of a nucleus. It is the energy required to disassemble a nucleus into its constituent protons and neutrons.

The equation for binding energy: Eb=Δmc2E_b = \Delta m c^2 Where:

  • $\Delta m$ is the mass defect (difference between the mass of nucleons and the actual mass of the nucleus).
  • $c$ is the speed of light.

Applications of Nuclear Physics

  • Nuclear Reactors: Energy generation through fission.
  • Medical Uses: Radiotherapy for cancer treatment.
  • Carbon Dating: Determining the age of archaeological finds.

Nuclear CompositionProtons and neutrons, size, and radius of nuclei.
RadioactivityAlpha, beta, and gamma decay.
Nuclear ForcesShort-range forces holding the nucleus together.
Binding EnergyStability of nuclei, mass defect, and binding energy.
ApplicationsPower generation, medical uses, and radiocarbon dating.

1. What is nuclei in physics class 12?

In Class 12 Physics, nuclei refer to the dense central part of an atom, composed of protons and neutrons. The study of nuclei involves understanding their structure, forces, stability, and radioactive decay.

2. Which is the hardest chapter in physics class 12?

Many students find Electromagnetic Waves and Wave Optics challenging due to their mathematical derivations, but the difficulty level varies among students. Nuclei is often considered conceptually easier but requires a clear understanding of the basics.

3. What is radioactivity class 12 short notes?

Radioactivity is the spontaneous disintegration of unstable atomic nuclei, emitting radiation in the form of alpha, beta, or gamma particles. It is a natural phenomenon discovered by Henri Becquerel.

4. What is the size of the nucleus Class 12 notes?

The size of a nucleus is proportional to the cube root of its mass number ($A$): R=R0A1/3R = R_0 A^{1/3} where $R_0 \approx 1.2 \times 10^{-15}$ m (1.2 fm).


The chapter Nuclei in Class 12 Physics provides a profound understanding of atomic structure, nuclear forces, and radioactivity. These handwritten notes offer a concise yet detailed approach to mastering the topic. With a free preview and direct download option, these notes are indispensable for every student aiming for excellence in exams.

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