Chapter 14: Oscillations Notes Class 11 Physics Handwritten PDF FREE Download

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Oscillations Notes Class 11: Oscillations are an important topic in Class 11 Physics, forming the foundation for waves, sound, and SHM (Simple Harmonic Motion). Understanding this chapter is crucial for board exams, JEE, NEET, and other competitive exams.

In this article, you will find handwritten notes for Oscillations, along with important topics, previous years’ questions, and preparation tips.

Features of Oscillations Notes Class 11 Physics PDF

These handwritten notes have been prepared in an easy-to-understand manner, helping students grasp the concepts quickly. Below are the details of the notes:

  • Subject: Physics
  • Language: English
  • Total Pages: 10
  • File Size: 4.1 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Download Link: Given Below

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Other Chapters of Class 11 Physics (All Chapters)

Chapter NameChapter Name
Chapter 2: Units and MeasurementsChapter 9: Mechanical Properties of Solids
Chapter 3: Motion in a Straight LineChapter 10: Mechanical properties of Fluids
Chapter 4: Motion in a PlaneChapter 11: Thermal Properties of Matter
Chapter 5: Class 11 Physics laws of motion Chapter 12: Thermodynamics
Chapter 6: Work Energy and Power NotesChapter 13: Kinetic Theory of Gases 
Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational MotionChapter 14: Oscillations
Chapter 8: GravitationChapter 15: Waves

Images of Oscillations Notes Class 11 PDF

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If you prefer printed study materials, here are some useful books available on Amazon for Class 11 Physics:

If you prefer printed study materials, here are some useful books available on Amazon for Class 11 Physics:

Concept of Physics by H.C Verma Part – I Session 2024-2025 (New Latest Edition with New Updated Contents – Original Copy with Hologam Sticker)

Understanding Physics JEE Main and Advanced Mechanics Volume 

NCERT Exemplar Problems Solutions Physics class 11th

These books provide in-depth explanations, practice questions, and solved examples to help students understand the chapter better.

How to Prepare for Oscillations Class 11 Chapter?

Step-by-Step Preparation Strategy:

  1. Understand the Basics: Start with NCERT to understand the fundamental concepts of oscillations.
  2. Memorize Key Formulas: Write down important formulas in a separate notebook for quick revision.
  3. Solve NCERT Exercises: Attempt all NCERT back-exercise questions for a strong foundation.
  4. Practice Previous Year Questions: Solve past years’ questions to familiarize yourself with exam patterns.
  5. Revise Regularly: Go through your notes frequently to keep the concepts fresh in your mind.
  6. Attempt Mock Tests: Solve timed mock tests to improve speed and accuracy.

Important Topics of This Chapter Oscillations

Here are some key topics that you must focus on:

  • Periodic Motion
  • Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
  • Equation of Motion for SHM
  • Energy in SHM
  • Damped and Forced Oscillations
  • Resonance
  • Angular SHM

Previously Asked Questions from the Oscillations Notes Class 11

Here are some questions that have been asked in board and competitive exams:

  1. Define oscillation with an example. (CBSE 2019)
  2. What is Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)? Write its equation. (JEE 2021)
  3. Explain the energy transformation in SHM. (NEET 2020)
  4. Define resonance and give an example. (CBSE 2022)
  5. Derive the equation of time period for a simple pendulum. (JEE 2023)

Questions That May Come in Exams

Here are some important expected questions:

  1. Differentiate between periodic motion and oscillatory motion.
  2. Derive the equation of motion for SHM.
  3. Explain damping and its significance.
  4. What is angular simple harmonic motion?
  5. Explain the concept of forced oscillations and resonance.

Some One-Liners with Answers from the Chapter

  1. What is the SI unit of frequency? – Hertz (Hz)
  2. Which type of motion is SHM? – Periodic motion
  3. What is the restoring force in SHM? – F = -kx
  4. What is the time period of a simple pendulum? – T = 2π√(L/g)
  5. What is resonance? – Maximum amplitude at natural frequency

Tables for Quick Revision

Types of Motion in Oscillations

Periodic MotionRepeats after regular intervalsMotion of planets
Oscillatory MotionMotion to and fro around a mean positionSimple pendulum
Simple Harmonic MotionA type of oscillatory motion with restoring forceMass-spring system

Important Formulas in SHM

Time Period (T)T = 2π√(m/k)For a spring-mass system
Frequency (f)f = 1/TReciprocal of time period
Angular Frequency (ω)ω = 2πfRate of oscillation
Energy in SHME = (1/2) kA²Total energy remains constant

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: What is oscillation in simple words?

Oscillation is the repetitive motion of an object around a central point.

Q2: Which book is best for this chapter?

NCERT is the best for basics. For advanced learning, HC Verma and DC Pandey are recommended.

Q3: What is the difference between SHM and periodic motion?

All SHM is periodic, but not all periodic motions are SHM.

Q4: What is the formula for time period in a simple pendulum?

T = 2π√(L/g), where L is the length and g is gravity.

Q5: How many questions come from this chapter in board exams?

Generally, 2-3 questions are asked in CBSE and other board exams.


The chapter Oscillations is fundamental for understanding wave motion and sound. By referring to these handwritten notes, solving previous year questions, and following the preparation strategy mentioned above, you can master this topic effectively.

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Class 11 Physics Handwritten Notes PDF,
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Oscillations Notes Class 11,
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Oscillations Class 11 Notes PDF Download
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Oscillations Class 11 notes Handwritten,
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